TIME: 15.01.2012
author: riderwphlic
goodbye sentiments
I am trying to find suitable sentiments for a goodbye/good luck card for a co-worker. Everything I find is either very business or just a one-line
Goodbye Quotes, Farewell Sayings for Speeches, Cards, Etc
Retirement Sentiments - LoveToKnow: Advice women can trust
Goodbye Sentiments - Ask Jeeves
Goodbye Letters - Letters to Say Goodbye to Co-Workers
/Engraving sentiments/, /goodbye sentiments friend/ / /funny.Goodbye-Sentiments - What is a sad but sentimental sentence to say to a loved one, telling them goodbye? : Goodbye quote: People so seldom say I love you a...
Goodbye Letters - WriteExpress: The #1 Choice for Professionally.For many, the thought of retirement is bittersweet, saying goodbye to co-workers. If you come across some special retirement sentiments, post them in the "Comments. Goodbye letters with sample sentences and phrases, must-know tips and step-by-step guides. Write pleasant goodbye letters today. Quotations to say goodbye, from The Quote Garden.. With the same sentiments? Will the souls, hurrying on in diverse paths, unite.
Need Greeting Card Sentiments - Splitcoaststampers.comdog died sentiments. christian sympathy sentiments for a sister. co worker goodbye and good luck sentiments. psycho Welcome to our site. funny farewell sentiments  Letters to say goodbye to co-workers and colleagues, including farewell letters for when you are laid off, retire, or resign.
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Quote for FarewellRetirement sentiments, retirement wishes and retirement sayings
Farewell Sentiments
Good-bye My Friend « Our Sentiments
Quote on Saying Goodbye
Retirement Sentiment
Goodbye Sentiments for Co Worker
Retirement Sentiments - LoveToKnow: Advice women can trust
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Sentiments for Employee Leaving
Goodbye Quotations Collected by GIGA (Page 1)
Irish Goodbye Quote
Ideas and Sentiments Personalized By Tell The World!
Sentiments for Co Worker Leaving